



Answer to puzzle 1 N




This puzzle hinges on the answers of each man. The first man can only know what colour hat he is wearing if the other two are wearing white.If he says yes then all men will know what colour hat they are wearing.In fact he answers no which means that the others are either wearing red and white or two red. When it comes to the second man ,he knows the possible answers because of the first mans answer.HE LOOKS AT THE THIRD MAN'S HAT.IF HE SEES WHITE, HE WILL KNOW HIS HAT IS RED AND WILL ANSWER YES. However because he answers no, the third man knows his hat must be RED!!!er











Answer to puzzle 2






You turn on one switch and leave it on. You then turn on the second switch, leave it for a few moments, then turn it off. You do nothing to switch three. When you go up stairs and enter the room, if the light is on ,then its switch 1. if the light is off , put your hand on the bulb, if its warm then its switch 2, if not then its switch 3










Answer to puzzle 3






When the runner is 3/8ths of the way through the tunnel, he knows if he goes back 3/8ths he and the train will be at the start of the tunnel, however if he goes forward 3/8ths he will be at 6/8ths and the train will be at the start.He has 2/8ths to complete to the end of the tunnel and the train has 8/8ths to complete, and we know that they will both be at the end at the same time , therefore the train must be traveling 4 times faster than him, and therefore 40mph














Answer to puzzle 4



6, he makes 5 cigarettes from the 25 butts but then he has another 5 butts!!












Answer to puzzle 5







Light the fuse at both ends for a 30 sec timing.









Answer to puzzle 6







I included this puzzle because it sounds incredible, however the answer is simply that the way we calculated the problem is mathematically illegal,although it sounds fine,and means we could very easily be conned because of such anomalies!!!








answer to puzzle 7





let us number the coins from 1 to 12. For the first weighing let us put on the left pan coins 1,2,3,4 and on the right pan coins 5,6,7,8.

There are two possibilities. Either they balance, or they don't. If they balance, then the different coin is in the group 9,10,11,12. So for our second one possibility is to weigh 9,10,11 against 1,2,3
So that the following plan can be followed, let us number the coins from 1 to 12. For the first weighing let us put on the left pan coins 1,2,3,4 and on the right pan coins 5,6,7,8.

There are two possibilities. Either they balance, or they don't. If they balance, then the different coin is in the group 9,10,11,12. So for our second one possibility is to weigh 9,10,11 against 1,2,3

(1) They balance, in which case you know 12 is the different coin, and you just weigh it against any other to determine whether it is heavy or light.
(2) 9,10,11 is heavy. In this case, you know that the different coin is 9, 10, or 11, and that that coin is heavy. Simply weigh 9 against 10; if they balance, 11 is the heavy coin. If not, the heavier one is the heavy coin.
(3) 9,10,11 is light. Proceed as in the step above, but the coin you're looking for is the light one.

That was the easy part.

What if the first weighing 1,2,3,4 vs 5,6,7,8 does not balance? Then any one of these coins could be the different coin. Now, in order to proceed, we must keep track of which side is heavy for each of the following weighing's.

Suppose that 5,6,7,8 is the heavy side. We now weigh 1,5,6 against 2,7,8. If they balance, then the different coin is either 3 or 4. Weigh 4 against 9, a known good coin. If they balance then the different coin is 3, otherwise it is 4. The direction of the tilts can tell us whether the offending coin is heavier or lighter.

Now, if 1,5,6 vs 2,7,8 does not balance, and 2,7,8 is the heavy side, then either 7 or 8 is a different, heavy coin, or 1 is a different, light coin.

For the third weighing, weigh 7 against 8. Whichever side is heavy is the different coin. If they balance, then 1 is the different coin. Should the weighing of 1,5, 6 vs 2,7,8 show 1,5,6 to be t
he heavy side, then either 5 or 6 is a different heavy coin or 2 is a light different coin. Weigh 5 against 6. The heavier one is the different coin. If they balance, s the different coin. If they balance, then 2 is a different light coin.



Answer to puzzle 8




He is looking at his son! A lot of people get this one wrong and think he is looking at himself ,so here's the explanation:

My father's son is me (cos there are no brothers)

that mans father is me (my father's son)

therefore that man is my son!!








Answer to puzzle 9




1 hour and 1 minute

(if the first jar is full in an hour after one more minute each cell divides and gives you as many again!)








Answer to puzzle 10





The water will still be on the first rung, the boat rises with the water!!













Answer to puzzle 11




White, the only place you can walk a mile south, a mile east and a mile north back to the same spot is if your camp is on the north pole , hence white polar bear!












Answer to Puzzle 12



Suzy's birthday is on December 31. Today is Jan 1st.Yesterday Suzie celebrated her 9th birthday. Two days ago on December 30 she was still 8.Later this year on December 31 she will be 10 and next year she will be eleven!!








Answer to puzzle 13

They played 9 games.Jack won 3 games and Jill was down $3. She had to win the next 3 games to get back to even. She had to win a further 3 games to be up $3!!








Answer to puzzle 14




The Notable doctor was not able to operate because he had no table!






Answer to puzzle 15







You are now in second place!








                                                                      Answer to Puzzle 16





Albert cannot know from his information about the month which of the dates it could be.In his next statement that he knows that Bernard cannot know either we deduce the following.

Two days are unique. 19th and 18th (all other dates are repeated).albert knows that if the answer were either the 18th or 19th then Bernard would guess correctly.But when he states that Bernard cannot know then we deduce that the month he sees is neither May nor June. Bernard now states that he knows the date.If he was given the number 14 he could not know because it is repeated in two different months therefore he was given either 15 16 or 17. he now knows. The final proof comes when Albert say that he knows too which means it he wasn't told august (there would still be 2 choices) he must have been told July.         Answer July 16!!!